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Latest Telecoms news
Visiongain Publishes Radio Frequency (RF) Components Market Report 2022-2032
The global radio frequency (RF) components market was valued at US$20,110 million in 2021 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.2% during the forecast period 2022-2032.
11 May 2022
“Radio Frequency (RF) components market is expected to demonstrate promising growth over the forecast period” says Visiongain report
This can be attributed to increasing demand for devices with wireless connectivity such as mobiles, tablets, smart TV, laptops & notebooks.
18 July 2019
“Wireless display market is expected to show promising growth during the forecast period” says Visiongain report
The market is collectively driven by availability of increasing OTT-based content, better cost saving benefits in comparison to wired connecting devices, and ease of set up.
18 July 2019
‘With The Energy, Automotive, And Healthcare Sectors Driving Demand, Leaders In Machine To Machine (M2m) Are Striving To Innovate In Tandem With A Broad Enterprise Shift Into Interconnectivity,’ Says Latest Visiongain Report
The products and strategies of 12 leading companies in the M2M market are described and assessed. 117 unique charts, figures, and tables quantify and qualify this market, with complete regional and national segmentation.
14 September 2018